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Wednesday, March 3, 2010


so I'm home tonight babysitting my 3 year old cousin, while my mother and my aunt and uncle enjoy George Michael.

unfair, I know. I'm not even being paid! 

but he's gorgeous, my cousin.

so cute and little.

we watched shrek and played with my mice (he loves my mice) and now he's sound asleep.

I see this as mum-training for the future.

the distant future. not planning on becoming a mum soon. 

but eventually. 

today's photo is from the film WALL-E, a movie my cousin loves.

the above picture is credited to vika8d and shows WALL-E and EVE in Human Form. Epic, right?

1 comment:

  1. LOL 'mum training for the future'. Awesome.

    Eh. I feel headachey. It's weird. Kinda like the way you feel the day before you get sick...argh I can't get sick. It's too hard missing classes. And I don't wanna be sick over the weekend. Lol.

    Maybe I need more sleep. Hmm.



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