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Sunday, April 11, 2010


The clock just ticked over, and I closed my eyes to make a wish. I suddenly realised I didn't know what to wish for. Sure I could wish for peace in Thailand or for another Labor win in the Federal Election this year or for my football team to continue to win games like it did last night (it was amazing); but wishes aren't fun unless they're selfish.

I used to wish for Jules back, but I know now that we could never go back. There's noone else I particularly want boy-wise. Sure, it would be nice to have another guy in my life and I do miss having a boyfriend but there's no particular guy that fits the mould currently.

Musical wise, sure I would have liked to get Reno, but I don't want it now and I am happy with my part.

I'm getting on with both of my parents for the first time in years, same with my friends.

School is tough, and I am struggling with the workload but I just need to be more focused and I'll be fine.

So yes, I know 11:11 was an hour ago now, but I want to donate my wish to Ryan, a friend of mine who is 15 and currently struggling with Leukaemia.

I hope you get through this, I know you will and I hope you live a long, healthy happy life. You deserve it.

To finish off, here is a picture that gave me hope of something good in a place of terror.

A puppy sleeps under a US soldier's hat and rifles in Baquba, Iraq

infriga xx


  1. You told me to comment so i am :P

    Where did this 11:11 business come from? i only heard about it last month, a month before that, al it was was a regina spektor album to me.

    It's good that you sound finally happy, makes me happy.

    Cute picture, you ever seen gives me hope?
    It's like fml, but for optimists, is the tagline. I stopped reading it because it was too sad and happy at the same time. too many emotions arg!

    Sickness and disease always seems wrong. But with someone so young it's even worse. I hope this friend of yours pulls through it.

    valere iubeo!



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