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Sunday, April 25, 2010

chances are that if your parents didn't have kids, you won't either.

My family is so dysfunctional I swear. We are crazy. But I love it.

Also, I miss watching Friends. (see above awesome picture)

I loved that show. Still do. Can still quote it ridiculously and daily things remind me of it.

I am clearly obsessed.

I have managed to negotiate with Mum that I am allowed out Monday for two hours exactly not including travel, so I can catch up with my girlfriends and we can celebrate Boobquake together. I am impressed with myself and my negotiating skills.

I just finished reading Impossible by Nancy Werlin tonight. Quite good, full on book. I would encourage you to read it, but not at night. She's an interesting author.

Find out more here

infriga xx

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