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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I miss my old life

you know, January.

I had friends and wasn't failing anything and everyone was healthy and I had a boyfriend and everything was bliss.

What have I got now?

A blog.


here's a pretty picture to make me feel better.

fuck everything.

infriga xx

Sprinkles. Dianna Agron. 


  1. You forgot a few things.
    You have friends and you have Glee. And you have a chocolate covered Zac Efron, cept it's just not here yet. Postage must have lost it.

    And you have blog comments, and you have love hearts. <3

    And you have pretty sprinkle pictures.

  2. i know you said comment on your new one, but i must say the prettyfulness of the sprinkles drew my attention. mmm...colourful...preeeetty...just like you ^_^
    i adore you m'dear ♥


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