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Monday, April 26, 2010

it's baaaaaaaaaaaaack.

 Doctor Who. with a new companion and a new doctor! Yes, I know it's been back for a bit, I'm just a little behind. sorry. But it gives me a good excuse to post epic doctor who photos! :) HUZZAH.

So, we have the new eleventh doctor played by Matt Smith Picture

and his new companion, Amy Pond - played by Karen Gillan Picture

They meet (can't be bothered explaining how, watch the amazingness of this show for goodness sake) Picture

She thinks that he is just a... Picture

and he just thinks that she's a policeman. Picture

So, they save the Earth together and then jump in the new and improved TARDIS to go travel the Universe. They then stumble upon a spaceship with a problem (surprise surprise). Picture

The eleventh doctor shows that he can be just a kooky as the tenth... Picture

...and the new companion proves she can be a little kooky too. Picture

They meet a hip new queen... Picture

...and then Amy saves a giant whale... Picture

...and earns the Doctor's trust. Picture

I'm liking this new duo, but part of me will always miss these two. Picture

ok, Mission Use-all-cute-doctor-who-pics-to-cheer-up-Caitlin is completed.

who by the way, has a new blog: Her

infriga xx


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Love the pictures. I'm liking Matt Smith. David Tennant is still my fav though. Daleks next week :)


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