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Sunday, April 18, 2010

lazy sunday afternoon

ok, so it's sunday and yes I've actually done some homework. hurrah! but now I'm looking through so many awesome blogs with awesome pictures from shows I love and my friends love.

so, following this post will be a picture for each of my friends that read this blog, I know you'll enjoy them. As always, I'll put up the link from where I got the picture from.

and yes, most of them are from Glee. if you don't like Glee, why are you reading this blog?


oh yeah, and there's a new countdown at the top of the blog now, have a look and tell me what you think. (especially you, Ms Harcourt, whom I have just subscribed)

infriga xx


1 comment:

  1. YAYYY i love the countdown
    and the photos
    i spent the morning youtubing lea and jonathon
    it was love


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