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Friday, May 14, 2010

I miss this door

Last session of the day, I would've gone home but beautiful Lucinda is sleeping over so I'm waiting for her.

Glee post will be up soon, I'm just waiting to find a good Britney picture.

I may have listened to Rose's Turn over and over again. shh.

But seriously Chris Colfer you have some PIPES.


I miss Friends. Best show.
Rachel: Okay, no uterus, no opinion
Joey: I hate Pottery barn too! They kicked me out of there just because I sat on a bed.
Chandler: You took off your pants and cimbed under the sheets!
Ross: [leaning over and talking to Rachel's lap] I can't wait to play with you all day, and to hear your first words.
Phoebe: [wide eyed] Why are you letting him talk to your crotch that way?
Rachel: He's talking to the baby.
Phoebe: Oh, that's good. Because when I heard, "I can't wait to hear your first words" I thought, "Boy that's some trick!"
Ok I'll stop now.

wait one more
Joey: [upon hearing Ross doesn't want to go to the movies with him] Come on, man! Tom Hanks! Meg Ryan! They get mail!
I love that movie.

infriga xx


  1. You really have no idea how jealous I am...
    > : (
    Even my wonderful Thursday was shortened this week :(

  2. MirandamissesthatdoorMay 14, 2010 at 4:46 PM

    Loving that photo & quotes. <3


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