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Monday, March 8, 2010

and I've been looking in the back of the book for the answers

I kinda just had this odd epiphany. I was talking to this beautiful girl I know about our upcoming school musical. (we all think we know what it is but it's announced officially tomorrow, so I shall blog about it then)

Anyway, we have musical camp every year at the same place and this year will be our fourth and final year. sad right?

I think it was the first time I realised that this is our final year and that next year there is no more high school, no more musical camp, no more of the routine I've got used to for the last five years.

It is a big step moving on and I'm going to miss everything. I like my school, I love my friends and it's hard to let all that go.

It's exciting to see where life leads me, but I'm a little scared.

I guess hopefully by this time next year I'll be ready?

I know I'll be crying on our last day.

But every time one door closes another opens, and I have to be ready to jump through that new door with an open mind and an excited smile :)

ok, enough nostalgia. I really need to clean/homework/cook/anything but facebook.

I am a terrible student.

But I have an awesome new top to wear tomorrow with my jeans and my favourite boots, so yay.

oh yeah, and the title of this blog is a quote from the musical 13. google it. it's awesome.

infriga xx

oh yeah, you're probably wondering what's with the boys. well, I'm single now, I CAN DO WHAT I CHOOSE.

and if I choose to post ridiculously good looking boys on my blog, then so be it. 



    Love you.

  2. hey thanks! noone noticed and I was sad. but now am happy :)


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