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Saturday, March 6, 2010

mother of all hail storms

So, Melbourne is experiencing a bit of intense weather, with rain and hail and thunder of all sorts. It's FULL ON. It's quite scary to see things floating down your street. Seriously, read here to see actually how epic is all is.

I live in a three story house, relatively new and never worry about flooding, but alas our roof decided to leak everywhere. The photo is our attempt to keep the stairs dry with towels.

infriga xx

1 comment:

  1. MirandasmellsofrainMarch 7, 2010 at 10:05 AM

    ROFL. I love that photo, it's hilarious.
    I shouldn't laugh, it probably caused you guys a heap of problems :P

    But the hail broke a window in my bathroom, lols. So I think I have the right to laugh. :D


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